Results for 'David Kevin O'Connor'

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  1.  10
    Plato's bedroom: ancient wisdom and modern love.David Kevin O'Connor - 2015 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    Plato's Bedroom is a book for people who want to be better at falling in love and being in love, with all the ecstasies and dangers erotic life can bring. It is also an inviting book for readers who are intellectually playful and up for a challenge, written with verve, and full of stories thoughtful persons will find to be mirrors of their own erotic selves. Drawing on Greek myth, Plato, Shakespeare, and a wide range of modern literature and movies, (...)
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  2. (2 other versions)The Argument from Consciousness Revisited.Kevin Kimble & Timothy O'Connor - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion: Vol. 3 3:110.
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    A Study of Literature for Readers and CriticsSense and Sensibility in Modern Poetry.Richard Eberhart, David Daiches & William van O'Connor - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):198.
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    G. W. F. Hegel: Key Concepts.Jeffery Kinlaw, Nathan Ross, John Russon, Brian O'Connor, Kevin Thompson, Brian O'connor & Alison Stone - 2015 - Acumen Publishing.
    The thought of G. W. F. Hegel has had a deep and lasting influence on a wide range of philosophical, political, religious, aesthetic, cultural and scientific movements. But, despite the far-reaching importance of Hegel's thought, there is often a great deal of confusion about what he actually said or believed. This is an invaluable introduction for philosophical beginners and a useful reference source for more advanced scholars and researchers.
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    Pre-service teachers' perceptions of middle school students.Kevin J. O’Connor & Christina M. D’Angelo - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):548-551.
    This report shares a study that explored the perceptions pre-service teachers have of middle school students. Participants were asked to complete the Adjective Checklist (ACL) by endorsing the words they considered most characteristic of a typical middle school student. Items most frequently endorsed indicated a predominantly negative perception (e.g. ?awkward?, ?confused? and ?emotional?). Implications for pre-service teacher training are discussed.
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  6. Situated cognition.Kevin O'Connor & Arthur M. Glenberg - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
  7. Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Readings.Timothy O'Connor & David Robb (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    _Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Readings_ is a comprehensive anthology that draws together leading philosophers writing on the major topics within philosophy of mind. Robb and O'Connor have carefully chosen articles under the following headings: *Substance Dualism and Idealism *Materialism *Mind and Representation *Consciousness Each section is prefaced by an introductory essay by the editors which guides the student gently into the topic in which leading philosophers are included. The book is highly accessible and user-friendly and provides a broad-ranging exploration (...)
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    (1 other version)God and inscrutable evil: in defense of theism and atheism.David O'Connor - 1998 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.
    In this important new book, David O'Connor discusses both logical and empirical forms of the problem of inscrutable evil, perennially the most difficult ...
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  9.  21
    Theistic Objections to Skeptical Theism.David O'Connor - 2014 - In Justin P. McBrayer & Daniel Howard-Snyder, The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil. Wiley. pp. 468–481.
    In a famous argument, William L. Rowe proposed that, since probably there are pointless evils but since, if God exists, there are no pointless evils, probably there is no God. Some defenses against this argument use a cognitive‐limitations premise. But the skepticism in such defenses may spread in unintended and undesired ways. In this chapter, I argue that their skepticism leaves skeptical theists without good reason to think: (1) that any actions they may regard as morally impermissible are sins, (2) (...)
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  10. The Invulnerable Pleasures of Epicurean Friendship.David O'Connor - 1989 - Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 30:165–86.
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  11. Hume on Religion.David O'connor - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):796-796.
  12.  25
    In defense of theoretical theodicy.David O'connor - 1988 - Modern Theology 5 (1):61-74.
  13. Skepticism and Philo's Atheistic Preference.David O'Connor - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (2):267-282.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 2, November 2003, pp. 267-282 Skepticism and Philo's Atheistic Preference DAVID O'CONNOR [H]owever consistent the world may be... with the idea of... a very powerful, wise, and benevolent Deity... it can never afford us an inference concerning his existence. The consistence is not absolutely denied, only the inference.1 The whole presents nothing but the idea of a blind nature, impregnated by a (...)
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  14.  33
    Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hume on Religion.David O'Connor - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    David Hume was the most important British philosopher of the eighteenth century. His _Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion_ is a classic text in the philosophy of religion. _Hume on Religion_ introduces and asseses: *Hume's life and the background to the _Dialogues_ *the ideas and text of _Dialogues_ *Hume's continuing importance to philosophy.
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  15. Hasker on Gratuitous Natural Evil.David O'Connor - 1995 - Faith and Philosophy 12 (3):380-392.
    In a recent contribution to this journal William Hasker rejects the idea, long a staple in philosophical debates over God and evil, that the existence of gratuitous evil is inconsistent with the existence of God. Among his arguments are three to show that God and gratuitous natural evil are not mutually inconsistent. I will show that none of those arguments succeeds. Then, very briefly, and as a byproduct of showing this, I will sketch out how a potentially vexing form of (...)
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  16.  50
    Swinburne on Natural Evil.David O'Connor - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (1):65 - 73.
    In his recent book, The Existence of God , Richard Swinburne argues that the world as we find it is one that a good and omnipotent God would have good reason to bring about. He does not claim to demonstrate, that is, deductively to prove, that the world is God–made but rather to show that the proposition that God exists and made the world is more likely to be true and hence more reasonable to believe, all things considered, than its (...)
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  17.  28
    The Metaphysics of G. E. Moore.David O'Connor - 1982 - D.~Reidel.
    INTRODUCTION: MOORE AND METAPHYSICS In the course of this book I will make frequent use of the word 'metaphysics'. Indeed I will maintain that that word ...
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  18.  50
    Two Ideals of Friendship.David K. O'Connor - 1990 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (2):109 - 122.
  19. Rewriting the poets in Plato's characters.David K. O'Connor - 2007 - In G. R. F. Ferrari, The Cambridge Companion to Plato’s R Epublic. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 55--89.
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    Aristotelian Justice as a Personal Virtue.David K. O'Connor - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):417-427.
  21. Introduction.David O'connor - 2003 - The Studia Philonica Annual 15:1-4.
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    Sedation in the terminally ill — a clinical perspective.Margaret O’Connor, David W. Kissane & Odette Spruyt - 1999 - Monash Bioethics Review 18 (3):17-27.
    This article discusses the place of sedation in the care of the terminally ill, as used in the practice of palliative care using case studies, clinical pragmatism forms the theoretical framework from which to elucidate the varying part that sedation plays in the overall management of a person facing the end of life. We contend that when used appropriately, sedation is an ethical and legitimate intervention that enhances comfort at the end of life and ought not sedate the person onto (...)
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  23. The Metaphysics of G. E. Moore.David O'connor - 1982 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (1):133-135.
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  24.  41
    A Skeptical Defense of Theism.David O’Connor - 1990 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 64:211-220.
  25. Swinburne on natural evil from natural processes.David O'Connor - 1991 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 30 (2):77 - 87.
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    Hume’s Scepticism with regard to the Senses.David O’Connor - 1981 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 28:196-211.
  27.  63
    On the Viability of Macquarrie’s God-Talk.David O’Connor - 1974 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 23:107-116.
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    Bodily Sensations.David O’Connor - 1982 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 29:370-372.
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    Evaluating Greater‐Good Defenses.David O'Connor - 2008 - In God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 190–206.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Justified and Compensated Suffering and Death Afterlife A Theistic Variation on the Hypothesis of Indifference Verdict on the Greater‐Good Defense Suggested Reading.
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    Natural Order, Natural Selection, and Supernatural Design (1).David O'Connor - 2008 - In God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 73–90.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Order and Evolution Evolution and Creation Evaluating the Rival Hypotheses Suggested Reading.
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  31. Moral relativism and the euthyphro dilemma.David O'Connor - 2016 - Think 15 (42):71-78.
    What makes a morally right action morally right and a morally wrong action morally wrong? For clarity's sake, let us divide the question. First, what makes a particular action the morally right action in some situation, that is, what makes it morally obligatory? Second, what makes a particular action a morally right action in some situation, that is, what makes it morally permissible? And third, what makes a morally wrong action morally wrong in some situation?
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    Experience, Inference and God.David O’Connor - 1975 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 24:250-255.
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    Greater‐Good Defenses.David O'Connor - 2008 - In God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 171–189.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Hick and Swinburne Moral Evil and the Free‐Will Defense Natural Disasters and other Terrible Things, and the Free‐Will Defense Suggested Reading.
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  34.  53
    Hume.David O’Connor - 1978 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 26:293-296.
  35. Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love.O'Connor David - 1993 - Brenzel.
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    Moore and the Paradox of Analysis.David O'Connor - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (220):211 - 221.
    In 1942, replying to a criticism put to him by Langford, G. E. Moore confessed that he was unable to solve the paradox of analysis. But while conceding inability to solve the puzzle Moore offered the following suggestion, which he did not further develop: I think that, in order to explain the fact that, even if ‘To be a brother is the same thing as to be a male sibling’ is true, yet nevertheless this statement is not the same as (...)
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  37.  45
    Philosophical specialization and general philosophy.David O'connor - 1993 - Metaphilosophy 24 (1-2):113-122.
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    A Free‐Will Defense of the Possibility that God Exists.David O'Connor - 2008 - In God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 50–71.
    This chapter contains sections titled: To Prove a Possibility Mackie's Response Proving a Possibility The Logical Argument from Evil Suggested Reading.
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  39.  99
    A reformed problem of evil and the free will defense.David O'Connor - 1996 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 39 (1):33 - 63.
    I test the ability of Plantinga's free-will defense of theism against logical arguments from evil to defend the version of the theory I call orthodox Christian theism against a reformed logical argument from evil. I conclude that his defense fails in that task.
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  40.  72
    A Variation on the Free Will Defense.David O'Connor - 1987 - Faith and Philosophy 4 (2):160-167.
    A proposition that theism has traditionally tried to establish, as part of its general effort to reconcile the existence of God and that of evil in the (supposedly God-made) world, is the following; that natural evil is logically a precondition of freedom of choice. Often the approach to this task has been through the free will defense. In my paper I argue that the standard formulation of that defense will not succeed in the specific task mentioned, and propose a variation (...)
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  41.  25
    Colloquium 2.David K. O'connor - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):31-52.
  42.  84
    Descartes' other deception problem.David O'Connor - 2010 - Think 9 (25):31-37.
    The problem of skepticism is the fundamental epistemological problem Descartes addresses. He introduces three forms of it, each embedded in a possible error-scenario. The first possibility is that, since my sense perception is sometimes misperception, my sensory experience in any given case may not reflect how things are outside my experience. The second possibility is that maybe I am dreaming when I think I am awake. And the third possibility is that maybe I am deceived in all my ideas and (...)
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  43.  59
    Ethical Naturalism and Evil.David O'Connor - 1993 - Faith and Philosophy 10 (3):389-393.
  44.  12
    Evaluating Skeptical Defenses.David O'Connor - 2008 - In God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 146–169.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Side‐Effects of Wykstra's Noseeum Defense Verdict on Noseeum Defenses Evaluating van Inwagen's Second Skeptical Defense Overall Verdict on Skeptical Defenses On to Substantive Defenses Suggested Reading.
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  45.  48
    For What May We Hope? An Appreciation of Peter Simpson’s Political Illiberalism.David K. O’Connor - 2017 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 62 (1):111-117.
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  46.  33
    God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues.David O'Connor - 2008 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Although vast and complex, the universe is orderly in many ways, and conditions at its beginning were right for the eventual evolution of life on this planet. But with life there is death, and with sentient life there is great pain and suffering, often with no apparent justification or purpose. Taking these things together, is it reasonable to conclude that the universe was brought about by God? Moreover, does the magnitude of seemingly pointless suffering square with the idea that God (...)
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  47.  13
    German Idealism.Brian O'Connor, Michael Rosen, Hans Jörg Sandkühler & David W. Wood (eds.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    The course of German Idealism, which lasted from Kant to Schelling, is one of the most important and influential periods in the history of philosophy. _The Routledge Handbook of German Idealism_ is a superb resource for all students and scholars of the movement. Its twelve specially commissioned thematic chapters, all written by experts in the area, cover the essential aspects of German idealism, including Knowledge, nature, freedom and morality, law, history, religion, art and the European legacy of German idealism. In (...)
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  48.  18
    Heidegger, Strauss, and the Premises of Philosophy: On Original Forgetting by Richard L. Velkley.David K. O’Connor - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2):390-391.
  49.  49
    Identification and description in Ayer's sense-datum theory.David O'Connor - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (3):213-242.
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  50. Index.David O'Connor - 2008 - In God, Evil and Design: An Introduction to the Philosophical Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 223–226.
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